Are you looking for a better way to end nagging or severe knee pain?
Are you looking for proper or new ways to exercise and stay active that will not make your knee problems worse? Do you want to get to the root cause of your knee pain that may be getting masked by painkillers and anti-inflammatories? Knee pain can significantly put limits on your life, whether it’s difficulty with getting up from a chair, going up and down stairs, getting our of your car, walking around a grocery store, working out, playing sports and etc.
We can help you figure out your knee pain, getting to the root cause and plan a strategy to get you back to your active life. Way beyond just needing to stretch and strengthen your quads, you may have pelvic, hip or ankle issues which feed into the cause of your knee pain.
Left untreated, knee problems typically become gradually worse.
Give us a call to get help immediately and get back to an active and pain-free life!