Physical therapy services will be provided by David Foo, Physical Therapist, Postural Restoration Certified and licensed Acupuncturist.
Physical Therapy is the art of restoring balanced and efficient MOVEMENT and POSITION of the spine, ribcage, pelvis, arms, legs, feet and and jaw. By being an expert in muscles, posture and biomechanics, I understand how your body needs to function in order to get you out of pain and to start moving and breathing efficiently without compensatory strategies and overuse of muscles, ligaments and joints.
What interferes with balanced and efficient Movement and Position?
- Pain
- Poor Posture and Alignment
- Faulty Breathing Mechanics
- Strength and Muscle Imbalances
- Joint limitations
- Poor Flexibility
- Poor Muscle Quality (knots and spasms)
- Poor Coordination & Balance
In your initial 60 minute one-on-one session, I explore and assess each of those qualities to come up with a treatment plan consisting of:
- Manual Therapy: to restore postural alignment, reset guarded and abnormal reflexes, free up restricted tissues, restore proper breathing mechanics, increase joint motion and flexibility and improve circulation.
- Exercise: to properly restore and retrain postural alignment/stability, improve core stability, reduce abnormal muscular tension, increase strength, mobility and flexibility, improve coordination and balance and improve functional performance.
- Taping (Kinesio-, McConnell, Mulligan): to maintain proper joint position, enhance muscle function, reduce excessive muscle tension and improve circulation.
- Modalities (cold-laser, e-stim, electro-acupuncture): to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, reduce pain and enhance healing.
All of your following treatments will last 45-60 minutes and will strictly be one-on-one for manual work and proper performance of exercises to ensure success to meet your goals.
You will NOT be handed off to an aid or assistant.
You are paying to see a Physical Therapist, so you will only see a physical therapist to provide physical therapy services.
How to get started:
Give us a call at 847-722-8704, or use the “contact us” form to set up your initial appointment.
I look forward to helping you live a Pain-Free, Active and Healthy life!